DUI defense attorney in Rancho Cucamonga serving San Bernardino County
Criminal Defense Attorney David Wohl – serving now as a DUI defense lawyer with offices in Santa Ana, CA & Rancho Cucamonga, CA
California DUI Information
Contrary to popular belief, there are many possible defenses to DUI charges in California.

Many people believe that because they were arrested on the suspicion of driving under the influence – and possibly even had their license already suspended – that the District Attorney has enough evidence against them to convict.
However, this is simply not true.
There are many solid defenses to DUI charges, and I have personally had success in court using these strategies.
Some common DUI defenses in California are:
- Mechanical failure of the breathalyzer equipment
- Law enforcement failure to properly maintain and test breathalyzer equipment for accuracy
- Law enforcement failure to read the driver his or her Miranda rights
- The traffic stop was unjustified – for example, simply weaving within your lane does not constitute grounds for a traffic stop
- There was no probable cause for the DUI arrest
- The “evidence” that suggested the driver was intoxicated was actually evidence that he or she was simply fatigued or tired
- The driver’s BAC was lower at the time of driving than at the time of the test (common in cases where the driver is stopped soon after drinking or the test is delayed)
- Law enforcement failure to properly observe the driver for the required fifteen minute period prior to administering a breathalyzer test
If you have been arrested for and/or charged with a DUI in California, it is in your best interest to contact me immediately to begin forming your defense.
I will fully investigate your case for police officer errors and other circumstances that prove the charges against you are unfounded.
Contact me today to schedule a consultation:
Local: (714) 242-1223
Toll Free: 1-855-4JPV LAW or (855) 457-8529