Felony Defense Attorney Serving San Bernardino County

Felonies Are Serious Crimes That Can Have Punishments With Life-Altering Implications.

When you are convicted of a felony, you could face:

  • hefty fines
  • probation
  • community service
  • drug or mental health counseling
  • years to life in State prison


Simply put, when your future is on the line, you cannot afford to hire an inexperienced attorney who doesn’t understand the legal system in California.

California felony sentencing law is very complex. An experienced attorney will know how to help you navigate through the system and help you mitigate your potential risks.

For example, many felonies are “wobbler crimes.” These are crimes that can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony.

When the District Attorney’s office chooses to file a felony instead of a misdemeanor (as they often do), the skill of your criminal defense attorney comes into play. An experienced attorney can effectively petition the court to have a crime “reduced” to a misdemeanor instead of a felony.

Another recent change to felony sentencing law involves whether a criminal conviction results in a sentence in state prison, or “county jail prison.” This area of the law is new and very complicated.

The consequences of making a mistake are potentially extremely serious.  I have specific training in this area of the law far above and beyond the average defense attorney.

I will fully investigate the evidence available in your case, working with experts who can testify on your behalf if necessary. I will work hard to protect your freedoms and liberties under California law.

I firmly believe that everyone charged with a crime deserves the best defense possible, no matter how serious the crime is. I will provide you with an aggressive defense and the legal advice you need to make the best decisions regarding your future.

Don’t let a felony charge ruin your life and send you to prison. You deserve to have someone on your side who will advocate for your rights. 

Contact David Wohl today to schedule a consultation.

Local: (714) 242-1223
Toll Free: 1-855-4JPV LAW or (855) 457-8529.


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